[Updated] Twittermap 地名管理大法(L:place=address[:] ),蜜月評論

Twittermap FAQ 裡奧義的「地名管理大法」(L:place=address[:] )初步閱讀練習之後,暫譯成中文如下:

L:place=address[:] 儲存地名(Place):儲存一個使用者標定的位置
L:place[:] 指定地名:將先前儲存的位置,設定成目前所在位置(current location)
L:address[:] 指定位置:將任意的位置,設定成目前所在位置

其中 David Troy 註解說,地名(place)可以是一個或多個英文單字;最好是一個英文單字。位置(address)可以用任何地理資訊的表示法(geocodable location)來表示(這話說的有點含糊…)。你可以使用 twittermap search 來尋找某個你曾經用 L: 標籤指定過的位置資訊(L 不區分大小寫)。

我也重新訂閱了 GVO 中文的 RSS feed。繼續練習吧。

[Updated] 簡單地評論一下 twitter 風潮:我認為這帶來的是每個人都會享受到的,網路生活(life in the net)蜜月期。每一件事情都可以在網路上發生,我們希望電視電影節目表也有 twitter 服務、雜誌期刊論文讀書討論社會運動統統都可以用 twitter 來解決。這樣的風潮在 IRC 搭配 bot 的時代就已經風行草偃過,只是透過層層的介面、literacy 造成落差,那是少數人的享受。如今透過 blog 作為中介(解決了多少 RTFM 的問題?),讓一般人可以在自己的 Windows Browser 裡面享受到尊貴的待遇。

網路生活蜜月期過了之後,你還是要回到現實生活。如果你很幸運,你的往來無白丁,各個坐擁 17 吋螢幕筆記型電腦,你就可以透過歡樂的方式乘風飛起,一起營造成功的案例。如果你的每天合作夥伴還是被 Desktop PC 或甚至 offline real life 的禁臠,你要創造一個大家都擁抱最新科技的熱情夢想可能還是不太容易迅速實現(除非你期待所有人都有快速在手機輸入重要訊息的能力)。

我們需要更多 hybrid model 的想像與設計,才有辦法走進現實生活。Twitter 帶給大眾許多契機、開啟想像,但是我們還需要更多的現實考量,更多的討論與實作交流。Hybrid 一點都不 cheap,需要投入更多資源才能夠讓網路生活的蜜月長長久久永續下去。

Dion Hinchcliffe 的 Web 2.0 應用模型

我上次演講就用他的 mashup 概念圖,實在很不錯。他 3 月 19 日的這篇文章:“Web 2.0 Software Models Evolve as the Conference Season Begins in Earnest" 介紹了今年上半年的一系列研討會當中的 Web 2.0 軟體模型的演化,不禁讓我感慨,好的研討會所促成的集體成長,實在是產業不可或缺的重要催化劑。

Calton Draught, Mecca, LoTR: Crowd Simulation

Ron Brinkmann, lead developer of Shake (Apple) and author of The Art and Science of Digital Compositing gave a talk in recent Etech Conference. They would like to build tools for the challenges in digital films, but then they found the tools are also useful for real world situations. Spectacles (you must remember the very big ad of Calton Draught), pedestrian simulation for public safty, like pilgrimage bridge crowd simulation in Mecca. Ars Technica’s Nate Anderson in “The wisdom of digital crowds: from Lord of the Rings to a bridge near Mecca".

Visual effects work draws from real-world research into all sorts of things: image processing, artificial intelligence, physics, and mathematical movement algorithms. But Apple’s Ron Brinkmann argues that the process is bidirectional, with tech developed for the visual effects world beginning to make its way into real-world scientific simulations—even in Mecca.

She ask good questions in the end of the article. If the movie/tools is earning a lot of money from entertainment industry, then maybe we don’t need any more practical usages to proof its legitimacy. That’s pragmatism. But we can always found truth indirectly via the glance of the ripple, or children’s innocent smiles. There’s an alterity also there we might really want to enjoy.

“Taiwan has no better friend…"

Taipeitimes: “US official warns of PRC arms buildup".

US official warns of PRC arms buildup

WORRYING: The deputy secretary of state for East Asia told a committee that China’s missile threat was real, but Taiwan could rely on its ally despite their recent differences
By Charles Snyder
Thursday, Mar 29, 2007, Page 1

The US State Department’s chief specialist in Taiwan affairs says the US is “deeply concerned" over China’s military actions that threaten Taiwan and has recommitted Washington defend Taiwan despite issues that have come between the two countries in recent years.

“Taiwan has no better friend than the United States," Thomas Christensen, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, told a hearing on US-China relations by the Asian subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

The morning newspaper reading. Especially after recent history studying.

Twitter 世界地圖電視

追尋著 TM(twitter.com/tmas68) 的腳步,我把 David Troy 的大作 Twittervision 放在 20 吋的 Apple Cinema Display 來當背景,看著這全球真人即時演出的「空間連續劇」(spatial soap opera)。就像是 reality tv 一樣,這樣的景象應該可以算是 reality Internet 吧?

幫 GVOzh 全球之聲中文翻譯計畫申請了 GVOzh 的 twitter 帳號,掛上了繁體/正體中文與簡體中文兩個 RSS feed,現在應該可以透過 twitter 帳號在任何地方收到最新的文章訊息了。下一步是要把文章自動加上 twittermap 空間標籤語法 L: 的地點 code:這樣當初我在 platial 上面想要作「全球之聲新聞地圖」(GVO News Worldmap)(失敗的構想 :D)的願望就終於可以實現了(曾經跟 Lukhnos 討論地理資訊輸入法,就是在解決類似的使用者情境)。



與老朋友因為(終於見到面的)新朋友而碰面喝咖啡。每次去到這家香味、烘豆設備佔據店內、客人們或站或坐在街頭,彼此成為風景的 E61 咖啡時,我們都因為有太多可以聊、而沒有機會跟老闆/環境/其他有趣人士混熟 😀 我們站在街頭討論經濟學、傲慢偏見風真正飄過了 Bound By Law 漫畫書;五年、有精采對手的教材分享遊戲、一綱多少本議題背後的陰謀、RCA 世界公民與令人生氣的汪平雲條目(感謝 shizhao 把它帶回來)。而老闆跟我們說了很多次的 bye-bye。



[Updated] 逐漸地認出自己

讀 HOW 的文章〈我寧願這些都不必要發生〉



我想到 Lacan 的 the mirror stage(鏡像階段):

The mirror stage is described in Lacan’s essay, “The Mirror Stage as formative in the function of the I as revealed in psychoanalytic experience", the first of his Écrits, which remains one of his seminal papers. Some have crudely put this as the point at which the child ‘recognises’ him- or herself in the mirror image, but this is unfaithful to what Lacan has in mind and also confuses his terminology. Lacan’s emphasis here is on the process of identification with an outside image or entity induced through, as he puts it, “insufficiency to anticipation – and which manufactures for the subject, caught up in the lure of spatial identification, the succession of phantasies that extends from a fragmented body-image to a form of its totality that I shall call orthopaedic – and, lastly, to the assumption of the armour of an alienating identity, which will mark with its rigid structure the subject’s entire mental development" (Lacan, Écrits (rvd. edn., 2002), ‘The mirror stage’, p. 5).

鏡像階段在拉康(Lacan)《書寫》(Écrits)的第一篇、也是他研討會論文中的其中一篇〈型塑性的鏡像階段,在心理分析經驗中所展露的「我」的功能〉(The Mirror Stage as formative in the function of the I as revealed in psychoanalytic experience)中被闡述。有些人很粗糙地將這篇文章當作,孩子在鏡像階段「辨識出」(recognises)自己,但是拉康不是這麼想的,也把他的詞彙混淆了。拉康在這裡強調,運用一個外在的影像或實體,經由下述的情形,認出自己的過程:「不足夠以預期,並且為了主體而製造,在空間辨識的引誘下,接連的幻象從一個碎片的身體-意象所延伸出來,延伸到一個它自己整體性的型態,我應該稱之為 orthopaedic,並且最終基於一個異化了的認同武裝的期待,它將用其嚴謹的結構來標示主體整個的心靈發展。

It is significant that this process of identification is the first step towards the manufacture of the subject because all which follows it – the transition into the Imaginary and the Symbolic order (see below) – is based on this misrecognition (méconnaissance): this is the process that Lacan detects as manifesting itself at every subsequent identification with another person, identity (not to be confused with ‘identification’) or suchlike throughout the subject’s life. This is the start of a lifelong process of identifying the self in terms of the Other.

很重要的是,這個認出自己的過程(this process of identification,指鏡像階段),是朝向製造主體的第一步,因為所有接下來發生的過程 – 轉換進入想像界與象徵界 – 是基於這個錯誤認知(misrecognition):這是拉康掌握到,在一個接著一個、將自己認同到另外一個人的時候,身份認同(請不要跟認出自己這件事情混淆)或者類似的狀態,並且終其一生皆是如此。這是用「他者」來辨認自我的終身過程的開端。(引述自 wikipedia Lacan 條目

就像看著 NYTimes 廣告的 firefox 使用者,人們覺得那既是自己、又不是自己。我們藉著大眾媒體廣告這個鏡中的成像,看到部落客手中共同擰出的:既渺小、又強大有力的力量。不同的人們看到不同的碎片裡的影像。也許錯認,但都朝向著製造主體的路途邁進。接下來生產的主體,是凝聚共識、彙整更清晰訴求、深入人性尊嚴與文化價值的「運動主體」、協商協調各方妥協爭取最好結果的「政治主體」、發新聞探索真相拍紀錄片溝通反思傳播的「媒體主體」。帶著家人去踏青的「家庭主體」。發出醫療專業者的聲音的「醫療主體」。



[Updated] 感謝 b6s 指正,誤植 How 為董福興兄,在此致歉。已更正。

Culture.ca position in Canadian government

Based on the photo of last Oct. Croatian International Culture Portal Roundtable Meeting, I redraw Carsten QUELL, the research manager of Department of Canadian Heritage, his slide: “Cultural Affairs Logic Model". It’s a very good and clear diagram to position cultural portal in governmental cultural policy roadmap.

我剛剛重畫完加拿大政府文化遺產部(Department of Canadian Heritage)的某張投影片:文化事務邏輯模型。這是去年十月克羅埃西亞的時候,Carsten Quell 這位研究經理給的演講其中一張投影片,主要是解釋 Culture.ca 的定位/角色。我覺得這是很重要的一部份,是政策決定的關鍵細節,影響著資源分配與避免重複規劃、冗餘實作的重要根據。